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NagiosDock Featured

1 vote
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NagiosDock.0.1.dmgPPC Image
NagiosDock-0.1.src.zipSource Code
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NagiosDock is a Mac OS X application that provides a dock notification icon for the Nagios network monitoring system. Similar Systray (or System Tray) Utility Icons exist for Windows. This program provides this functionality to Mac OS X users.

NagiosDock 0.1 Release Notes

System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.2 or better. May run on older versions of Mac OS X, but has not been tested.

Installing and Configuring NagiosDock Download the NagiosDock Binary and copy it to your Applications folder. Launch the application. Under the NagiosDock Menu, select "Edit the NagiosDock.ini". Set the options to your liking, save and close the file. Exit and relaunch the NagiosDock application.

Compiling NagiosDock

The Binary on Sourceforge was compiled on Mac OS X 10.4.1. It has been tested on Mac OS X 10.3.9 and 10.4.1. You may have issues with this binary on other releases of Mac OS X. If you do, you will need to compile it using XCode. For this, you will need XCode installed on your version of Mac OS X. Please, if you have problems with the binaries, file a bug, and I will do my best to help you. If you compile a binary for your system that was not yet available, find a way to get it to me so I can make it available to others.

Please visit the project page to download the latest version of NagiosDock.

Reviews (1)
byrhugh, June 7, 2010
Launches, but the menu options, including "Edit NagiosDock.ini", are grayed out. Recompiling using XCode fixes this.

Looks like a bad port of Windows software at best. If all you need is something that shows green/red to sit in your dock, then maybe this will be worthwhile.