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Exchange ActiveSync Monitor

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Compatible With
  • Nagios Log Server
EXCAS - ActiveSync Connections-1443213278536EXCAS - ActiveSync Connections-1443213278536
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Exchange ActiveSync Monitor
Gives overview of activesync connections, the types of commands being used and allows debugging poorly performing CAS servers which have high CPU usage for IIS
input filter was developed for my environment which is exchange 2010 it different slightly from documentation so you may need to tweak the fields

make sure you update the filter to include the hostname / ip of the cas server(s) and use the nxlog config to get the logs over in json format, you can get the logs over to NLS however you want but I found this the best way for me

I use this on a environment with over a hundred devices using activesync, its provided invaluable information about phones which were constantly syncing and overloading the iis process.